VSC AGM 2007


Annual General Meeting

Saturday August 4th 2007, 11.00 am

Guests: D. Morris, M. Walker, S. O’Driscoll, J. Ryan.

1. Welcome
Chairman Andy Liney welcomed all members and guests to the meeting .This was our seventh A.G.M. and Andy pointed out it would be his last as chairman. A brief outline of the agenda was given by Andy. He told anyone in the audience who wished to renew their membership or to join the V.S.C. that his wife Pat was on hand at the door to receive their money.

2. Introduction of Guests
He thanked Mickey Walker, S. O’Driscoll, Dave Morris and John Ryan for their attendance.

3. Order of Proceedings
The company business was expected to take no more than fifteen minutes. John would give an address and after which there would be a question and answer session from the guests.

4. Chairman’s Statement
Andy thanked the dome for arranging the room for the meeting. This had been done for free and was much appreciated. Andy explained that the Rovers Return Bar was now open on match days with reduced beer prices and with excellent catering services. It was hoped to run a free shuttle service from this bar in the near future.
At the Manchester United fixture Andy and his wife Pat collected £600.68 towards the Mayors flood appeal.

Andy then gave his reasons for stepping down from his position has the Vikings chairman. He thought he had gone stale with the job and had lost some of his enthusiasm. He thought the Vikings had achieved much. One hundred thousand pounds had been donated to the DRFC to date which proved to JR that we are trying to raise funds. We had over the years made several donatations and sponsored various DRFC events. Andy’s seat on the main board had meant that the fans were kept up to date with the latest news from DRFC. The coin trail had been a big success although did not quite reach its objective. It did raise £56,000 for the youth team. Some things had not gone well this year with some people objecting to Andy’s close relationship with JR. Andy felt that because the DRFC was doing better people were not so keen to support the VSC.

No nominations had come forward for the vacant positions. We needed a fresh approach and hopefully a new man could rebuild the bridges with the fans. Andy was proud of his achievements in representing the fans and DRFC in the negotiations for the Keepmoat Stadium. It was a stadium to be proud of. The SMC seemed to be in some disarray and the mayor had called for an independent enquiry. Finally Andy thanked his wife Pat for all her help and support, even though she was not a fan. He called for and received a round of applause for this. He gave special thanks to Mike Harker and his team for continuing to produce the programme for the club. He thank